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Export Controls

Export control regulations and international compliance matter for our campus community, even if you do not conduct research or receive federal funding. The Export Controls & International Compliance (ECIC) team is here to assist you in navigating the regulations.

Northwestern is a fundamental research university, so it can typically use the fundamental research exclusion (FRE) exempt itself from export control regulations. Most, but not all of the time. Suppose we accept certain contract restrictions (e.g., publication or foreign person restrictions). In that case, we cannot use the FRE and so we are subject to the export control regulations, which may require a license to collaborate with non-U.S. persons.

Many different research-related scenarios may involve export controls or international compliance. Export control regulations impact certain equipment, technical data, substances, and international shipments. The ECIC provides the following services, so please contact us if we can support you or your team’s work:

documents.pngExport control reviews: Provide guidance when sponsors or collaborators want to share export controlled data or information with you, and there are restrictions. Northwestern does not typically accept controlled projects or to avoid citizenship restrictions.

person_icon.pngNon-U.S. person restrictions: Assist in remaining compliant on the rare occasion we accept personnel restrictions. Sponsored Research tries to negotiate these restrictive terms out of our agreements.

freight_icon.pngInternational shipping:  Help identify licensing requirements when shipping abroad. Reach out to Export Controls & International Compliance to avoid shipping violations.


money_icon.pngPurchases of export-controlled equipment (drones, cameras, lasers, etc.): Assist with requirements on highly controlled equipment (end-user agreements marked “export controlled” or “ITAR”).


suitcase_icon.pngTravel and work abroad: Share export control implications and steps to take when traveling abroad with university equipment, technical data or substances.


earth_icon.pngSanctioned countries: Assist with requesting federal authorization when you need to work from or with (even virtually) a sanctioned country (Cuba, Iran, Syria and certain areas in Ukraine). There are new sanctions on Belarus and Russia, and China.

handwriting_icon.pngLicense Applications: Apply for export control licenses or exemptions.


handshaking_icon.pngRestricted party screenings: Screen your potential collaborators to ensure they or their home institution are not on a denied party list by the federal government.

scales_icon.pngExport control violations: Guidance for avoiding inadvertent violations that can result in individual
penalties (i.e., criminal, civil and fines).

For any questions, please contact Amy Weber,
Export Controls & International Compliance.