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Research Security Areas

The focus areas of the Northwestern Research Security Program:


It’s essential for Northwestern employees receiving federal funding to complete and update federal agency and Northwestern disclosures. Review the federal requirements and Northwestern disclosure expectations when submitting a proposal or accepting funding.
Visit Conflict of Interest to learn more.

Cyber Security

Cyber security protocols are included in more and more solicitations for proposals and award agreements.

Contact NUIT or Research IT for assistance early in the process.

International Travel

Traveling abroad is an important part of international collaborations, but you can take steps to stay safe, protect University equipment and data, and follow U.S. federal regulations.


Export Controls

Export controls impact many activities including accepting publication or foreign person restrictions (which Northwestern typically does not do), sharing technical data with a non-U.S.person without a license, international shipping, and activities with sanctioned countries.

Digital Persistent Identifiers (DPI)


The federal government plans to require digital persistent identifiers (DPI).
If you don’t already have a DPI, sign up now.